5 Fandom Friday :: My Comfort Films

It’s my first Fandom Friday as part of the blogging community Female Geek Bloggers! This week’s theme is Favorite Comfort Movies or TV Shows.

I have to admit, this one was a little tough. Do you know how hard it is to narrow down not just five favorite movies, but five favorite movies that can make you feel better no matter what? There are so many good movies and shows out there! So here are my qualifications for Comfort Movies:

  1. Something I can watch over and over and over again and never get sick of.
  2. My go-to when I’m curled up on the couch sick or really bummed out.

Here’s what I picked.

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

No doubt about it. I’ve seen these movies more times than I could possibly count and they never fail to make me feel better. Not only are they completely the best trilogy ever (duh), but they’re movies of hope and courage. I definitely recall a time feeling angry and depressed, and calling up a friend saying “I need someone to come over to watch Lord of the Rings with me ASAP!” It totally cured me.


I’ve had many a sick days eating soup and watching this classic. The story is haunting, the cinematography beautiful, and you’ll be humming “As Time Goes By” for hours.

Ever After

Another sick day favorite. There are so many versions of Cinderella, but this is the best! Drew Barrymore is a spunky, self-reliant Cinderella, the Prince actually has a personality, and their relationship is more than skin deep. Leonardo DaVinci even makes a cameo!

10 Things I Hate About You

Ahhhh! So good! If this movie doesn’t bring a smile to your face, then you have no soul. Heath Ledger is absolutely adorable and Julia Stiles is the cool girl I can only wish I could’ve been in high school. I can’t listen to Frankie Valli without thinking of this movie.

Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog

What is more comforting than a good ol’fashion sing-along? A sing-along with Neil Patrick Harris, that’s what. The tunes are delightful, the characters—Dr. Horrible, Captain Hammer, Moist—are hilarious, and who would guess that something so funny could give you so many feels.

I hope you enjoyed my picks! What are some of yours?