5 Fandom Friday :: Crossovers That Would Make My Heart EXPLODE

5fandomfridayLong weekends are sure good for catching up on Fandom Fridays! This is probably the first timely post I’ve written in months, which was amazing because this was a TOUGH topic. I was stumped thinking of 5 crossovers that would make my poor heart explode. I’m a fan of a lot of things, but appreciate them for their own universe and characters. I tried to come up with crossovers that share common motifs and would make somewhat sense if they happened to cross paths. Here’s what I came up with.

Thursday Next x Dr. Who

dr. thursday

The Doctor can travel through time and space; Thursday Next can travel through fiction. Together, they’d go on the most amazing adventures ever! Thursday probably wouldn’t settle to be a Companion, but they’d have a blast working together.

Game of Thrones x Lord of the Rings

Far far away, there are two magical continents: Middle Earth and Westeros (and many more if you count Essos, Sothoryos… etc). Both are steeped in Medieval culture and inhabited by myths and magic. Imagine if those worlds crossed. Daenerys’s reign would probably go a bit differently if Smaug was one of her dragons, and HBO would give the Fellowship the grittier, sexier reboot it deserves.

The Magicians x Harry Potter

magicians cave

How would our favorite witches and wizards survive in the cynical magic realm of Fillory? Did Harry, Ron, and Hermione go to college at Brakebills? Would Quentin and his magician friends thing Hogwarts teaches parlor tricks? Only a crossover could tell!

harry potter cave

Disney Crossovers Galore!

Since Disney broke news about Frozen’s Anna and Elsa being Tarzan’s sisters (a link I frankly don’t really buy), I’ve decided that more Disney movies need to be linked. Particularly the Disney princesses hanging out. We’ve seen Rapunzel at Arendelle, but I’m sure she could totally bond with Jasmine over helicopter-parents. And Mulan and Merida would have a blast turning down suitors to kick ass instead. When can we get a movie of them hanging out?

Buffy x Twilight

bella the vampire slayer

Hoooooooboy! Shit would go down! I would love to see Buffy tell Bella that dating Vampires can funk with your heart, and Willow telling Jacob that he might have a chance; werewolves can make decent boyfriends.

As always, 5 Fandom Friday is brought to you by The Nerdy Girlie and Super Space Chick. Follow them to participate!